Certification Trademarks
The PlainLanguagePro certification trademarks promote the use of plain language principles and processes in business and government documents. (the term ‘Plain Language’ is preferred over the term ‘Plain English’ as it covers a wider range of techniques and practices).
PlainLanguagePro certification trademarks allow certified plain language professionals to apply a mark to distinguish documents (printed or electronic) written using plain language principles from other documents. The mark identifies the document as being produced by a plain language professional using a recognised plain language process.
For document users (the public or specialised audiences), a PlainLanguagePro certification trademark provides confidence that documents bearing the mark have been prepared with care and take into account their needs and preferences. These documents are likely to be easy for users to read and understand.
For plain language professionals, PlainLanguagePro certification trademarks provide a way to distinguish themselves from other writers, and to promote and encourage the use of their skills and processes when preparing documents
For document owners, PlainLanguagePro certification trademarks provide confidence that their documents have been prepared with care and a dedication to meeting the needs of the users of their documents. It increases their confidence that documents will communicate effectively and deliver the intended message to the user.
Further information on the PlainLanguagePro certification rules can be found here:
PlainLanguagePro is owned by Plain Language Contracts Pty Ltd (ABN 18 650 652 181).
For further details please visit PlainLanguageContracts.com.au or email enquiries@plainlanguagecontracts.com.au